Evecon Tour Operator is a DMC with a big trajectory in the market, It is our mission to provide personalized services in a very responsible and warm way, ensuring both safety and satisfaction of our clients. As our corporate brand implies associating the expression Events and Conventions, we organize and plan for individual passangers or Grups, all kinds of national and international events as well as business, tourist and incentive trips, from the arrival of our passengers to the end of their trip. All services - welcome, accommodation, transfers and tours - are provided under rigorous quality standards. Our philosophy is based on communication, participation, initiative and personalized service. These are the pillars of a strategic partnership within this delicate commercial chain. Our commitment is fulfilling the expectations of those who have chosen us. We are continuously improving processes, services and products so that our clients anywhere in the world can enjoy their trips in each and every detail |
E.V. y T. Leg. 11002 - DOMICILIO LOCAL VIRTUAL EX-2020-67948916 - Evecon Tour Operator CABA - República Argentina Tel. + 54 11 52630260 Copyright 2020 |
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